Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Day 51 - 23rd February 2016

I am happy to say that UK weather has welcomed be back with open arms and sunny weather and it really isn't too cold right?

Well this is great for me after having enjoyed some truly gorgeous weather West Coast of US.

This truly inspires me to get out and about in this beautiful weather.  I had quite a restless evening and didn't manage to sleep until 4am and was woken up by my mum at 9am as I had a couple of morning meetings and errands to run.  However, once these meetings and errands were completed and a quick run around the shops accomplished, I managed to venture out to Bedford Park and have a lovely refreshing walk for about 30 minutes.

For lunch, as I didn't really have much to prepare in the morning, I made something real quick yet healthy and very tasty.

Avocado Pesto Pasta (Vegan, GF & Nut Free)
2 servings

1 cup of gluten free pasta (fusilli)

2 small avocados
Juice from 1/2 lemon
1/4 cup of washed fresh basil
1/4 cup of vegan parmesan
Salt and pepper to taste
Boil the pasta up in some salted water
In a blender, combine avocado, lemon, herbs and spices
Mix until smooth
(Optional:  pine /cashew nuts)

Once the pasta has softened to your liking, rinse and mix well with the pesto mixture.

Serve with a green leaf & vine tomato salad
Sprinkle with vegan parmesan.

Very tasty, healthy and fresh.

In total this meal took me 20 minutes to make so there really isn't any excuse for not eating healthy and fresh right?

There is a lot of planning going on in preparation for this weekends VegFest in Brighton.  Although I am really looking forward to this, I am quite apprehensive as there is SO MUCH to do and get done, lots of shopping and food preparation in order to offer all our visitors great food, both savoury and sweet.  So if you are free, please get your tickets and come and visit what will be a great event with lots of vegan goodies.  They not only have a number of delicious caterers there but also offer lots of vegan toiletries, foods, drinks, supplements, clothing and so much more.  Come down and don't miss out on all the fun!

Before then however, I am looking forward to my Bowen Therapy which is scheduled for tomorrow morning.  As all this preparation for the weekend commences and the physical activities start to take on the body, I want to make sure that I am as fit and pain free as possible so tomorrow is going to be quite an important day to give me a little extra support physically (no pressure for my therapist lol).

So for the rest of the day, planning continues, food ordering commences and as well as lots of water to keep the body hydrated and taking my supplements to additionally support my body, I feel a nice cup of coffee is in order - first of the day.

So until soon my friends, I will leave you with todays thought x

Thought for Today

Many people think that being spiritual means being positive!
But being spiritual means being conscious and aware.
To become conscious is a different thing than to become positive.
To become conscious and aware, we must become authentic.
Authenticity includes both positive and negative.
~ Teal Swan

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