Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Day 31, 2016

Wednesday 3rd February.

Days really seems to whizz past without me knowing where time has really gone.  

We wake, cook, shop, walk, eat, drink, cook, bake, visit, eat, drink, read, plan, chat, etc. etc. and the day is over.

Being in a different timezone also assists in the speed of time.

Having a lovely special popular sister only increases the speed of time what with planning, networking, visiting friends, lunches, dinners, coffees, teas, drinks, sight-seeing etc. etc. make time go fast.  Hence I have already been here for nearly 2 weeks and it only feels like I arrived yesterday.  

It is definitely nice being busy and occupied in the right way and I see the benefits of taking time out regular in our busy day to quieten the mind, reflect and let go of all those busy activities, meditate, simply be in the moment and rest both mind and body.

Having said all that, I have plenty of opportunity to show of my cooking and baking skills.  So for today I made wraps for lunch and boy they were gorgeous.  Take a peek inside :)

1 = Greek Salad (feta cheese, mint, tomatoes, avocado, coriander, spinach, lemon juice)
2 = Nutty Naughty (feta cheese, walnuts, mind, rocket, avocado, hemp seeds, lemon juice)

Sneak peak inside :)

Beautiful morning - great start to the day.

Ok now off to doctors and some shopping before coming back to prepare dinner for our guests tonight.

It is a terrible thing, I think, in life to wait until you are ready.

I have this feeling now, that actually,

no one is ever ready to do anything.
There is almost no such thing as ready.
There is only now,
and you may as well do it now.
Generally speaking,
now is as good a time as any.
~ Hugh Laurie

If you would like to receive daily inspirational 'thoughts', then please go to this link on Facebook and like the 'Thought for Today' page.  It is beautiful and inspiring and sometimes, these thoughts come on the day you need that extra boost.

So until soon my friends, I will leave you with todays thought.

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