Monday, 17 October 2016

Monday 17th October 2016

It's been a few days since I last wrote and that is simply due to lots going on.

For those of you following me/Virtuoso Foods on Social Media (Facebook, Twitter & Instagram), you will see that yesterday afternoon we released our new name:  Virtuoso:  Food 4 Thought and its associated new rebranding which I am very excited about.

The thought behind these changes are purely that we are starting to do more than take 'food/cake orders' and are offering a more holistic view on the service we offer, in so much as health and nutrition hints and tips, free recipes, recipes focused on specific diets and allergies (vegan, raw, gluten free, no added sugars etc.), Blogging and so much more.  It is about offering more information on 'whole foods' and 'plant based foods', the impacts it has on our body and mind and offering less/NO processed foods full of ingredients that people are becoming intolerant to.

Needless to say, these changes are something I am passionate about, not only for me to learn more about and grow with and eat, but to also be able to provide all this information and so much more to you all.

This has been something on the cards for some time after numerous requests from my customers and also of course, the way the market, trends and individuals food growth and habits are expanding and heading towards.

In addition to this, I am going to focus more on our biggest seller and that is our 'Raw Energy Treats' which, moving forward, we will be offering in 2 formats:  'Balls' & 'Bites', hence our new logo on this.

I will be offering more of a variety of flavours taking into account more 'super' fruits and supplements as well as some traditional flavours and seasonal flavours.  So keep an eye out on Facebook and the Website for more information on these new flavours, new quantities and our new packaging.

I believe that the reason why 'Raw Energy Balls/Bites' are so popular now in this day and age is because there is more focus on 'no/less sugar' and 'no/less' processed foods and these raw treats provide a delicious, healthy alternative to the normal snacks we usually reach out to, especially at those slumps in the day when we feel we need a 'sugar fix'.  These raw treats provide natural sugars and fats that are consumer much slower in the blood stream and don't cause us to have the peaks that the regular snacks give our bodies and that a lot of us are finding hard to digest!

A few facts about the ingredients that go into our 'raw treats'.




These are only a few of the main ingredients we add to our raw treats and as you can see, our balls and bits are full of goodness and nutrition and being natural, as long as eaten as part of a balanced diet, they are great for you.  They are also great for children to substitute for their usual sugar loaded snacks and a tasty snack for the lunch boxes as well as adults to enjoy at home or work.

We have also started providing some business with our delicious 'raw treats' to offer both their employees and their customers.  This is becoming a great part of 'business life' and a new trend in offering health in a ball or bite.  So if you are interested in offering these delicious treats at work, please do not hesitate to contact us to see what we can offer you.

Having said all this about our Raw Treats, this won't stop us continuing in providing our popular traditional cakes and raw cakes and treats!

As always, I invite you to comment on anything you feel you would like to comment on, share with us, feedback on and even suggest improvements etc........ this BLOG is really also about getting you involved in what I do and what I offer.

So with this in mind, I leave you with this great poster I came across early this morning.

With much health and love x

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