Monday, 25 January 2016

Day 21 & 22 - 2016

Good day everyone.

Since coming to LA, my days have all seemed to have merged together and as most of my followers are based in the UK, although I am picking up new followers here in the US, I don't know which time of day I am conversing in so I will simply refer to the time of day in LA (we are 8 hours behind to UK timezone), so right this minute is is 7.45am and in the UK it is 3.45pm.

So it is certainly a good morning here, filled with light, water (the ocean), love and positive energies and vibes.  (Some beautiful pictures of first thing in the morning and then a little later on in the morning).

I feel that since arriving here, what with a much milder climate than in the UK and being surrounded by great bodies, people looking for healthier alternatives in both food and drink, it is easier to continue on the healthy clean eating regime without the feeling of wanting to be tempted by anything.

It is now week 3 into my health regime and a lot has changed, mainly to do with the mind and the thought process and patterns around eating.  I don't feel tempted by 'bad' foods in terms of foods that are heavily processed (bread, ready meals, ready sauces, cookies etc.), bad fats (chocolates, crisps, bad oils etc.) and sugars (cookies, chocolate, ready made foods, processed foods etc.).  Before I used to crave certain types of foods that were not good for me however more recently, I think because my body is getting used to eating good clean foods and is certainly being provided with the right nutrients, it doesn't need ANY of the rubbish it previously craved.

Now when I think about sugar, cake, biscuits - I certainly can not even contemplate indulging in these foods.  When I want something sweet (which surprisingly is rare at present), I reach for a banana, some in season strawberries and blueberries, or some delicious RAW chocolate (just a cube or 2 is plenty whereas a whole bar of normal chocolate wasn't enough!!!).

I feel that in time the brain changes its relationship with food.  The brain changes the demands it once made on the body.  It no longer craves foods that serves the body to its benefit.  They say that it take about 28 days to change a habit!  Well I certainly believe in this.  Although I haven't quite reached the 28 day milestone, I definitely can see the mental changes in action.

Physically, I haven't seen any changes in shape.  I am experiencing aches and pains with the lower back and this has limited the amount of physical exercise I can do in order to start losing actual weight/fat and start toning the body.  So my next imminent goal is to address the issues with the back so that I can then focus on a healthy workout plan, especially to start to build my core muscles.

This morning I am heading into one of the many towns of Orange County to see a Chinese Acupuncturist who is know to have magic fingers when dealing with back pain.  I know this isn't a long term plan to resolving my back issues, but until I get back to the UK and can find out exactly what is going on underneath, I am willing to try anything to at least alleviate the pain I am suffering.

This morning I made some energising smoothies to take out on the road with us to keep us sustained.

Strawberry Hemp Smoothie

Serves 3 people

2 bananas, 8 strawberries, 1/2 mango
4 tbsp hemp seeds
1/2 cup of chia seeds soaked overnight with 1 cup almond milk & 1 cup water
Additional 1/2 cup almond milk and 1 cup water
2 tbsp raw honey

Put the mix into a blender and blend until smooth.
You can make it as thick as you like or thin it out by adding more water/milk.

Very tasty and nutritious.  Bon appetite!

I don't know what the rest of the day will bring after the acupuncturist however we will go with the flow and I am sure that only good things will come.  After all, with a environment such as the one I am in, the views that surrounds me, the company that I have the pleasure of being in, what more could I ask for.

Have a wonderful day everyone and I will reconnect with you very soon x

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